Monday, 22 April 2013

Honesty vs. The Lie

Have you ever noticed that generally speaking, honesty is something we expect from others but excuse in ourselves.

Think about it.

We encourage others to be honest with us. We hurt when they aren't. 

But, and here's the big BUT, in our day-to-day lives we are quick to cover certain things up, leave certain things out, and decide what we need to be truthful about. After all, who really wants to hear that the dress they're wearing does actually make their butt look big, and why would we tell the boss we are late because we had one too many glasses of wine with friends last night.

Here's the irony.

If you decide when and where you should be honest, and when/where a little white lie fits, and when/where an omission or big fat ole lie is best, then you cannot expect anyone else in your world to do things differently.

If you lie. They get to lie. If you choose when/where/why to suit your needs, THEY get to choose when/where/why to suit THEIR needs.

That cycle never ends. Until you end it. If you choose honesty then yes, you can expect honesty all around you. It's amazing how beautiful your life becomes when you fill your space with like-minded souls.

This is a tough lesson to master. Be kind to yourself if it takes a few kicks at the can before you reach the higher level of wisdom. Good luck. ♥ Louise Smith

1 comment:

  1. The only thing that makes us all able to be honest with one another and share openly is the ability to keep from judging one another. When you allow yourself to look down on someone for their actions and their stances in life you automatically force them into a shell. When you make it comfortable to share you open the doors to connecting to each other like never before. This is one of those things we lose as we go from children to adults. If we accept the differences and find out the why, you will be amazed at what you can find.
