Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Be Kind

Be kind

We are accountable for our words, thoughts, and actions.

Imagine if we were actually held accountable for the energy we spread into the world. It could be a nice pat on the back for all the kind things we do and say, but – yikes! - what an expensive reality check for the negative energy we send out.

“Let’s see sir, we have you accountable for 13 negative words/actions today.
3 angry gestures/words while driving in traffic this morning.
1 irritated roll of the eyes and angry sigh at the server at the coffee shop.
2 outbursts at the office to the ‘knuckleheads’ as you not-so-kindly called them.
3 sarcastic remarks made about that young musician.
1 comment directed to writer of the article in the sports page.
And 3 Facebook ‘shares’ of unkind messages about other religions and cultures.
So, that makes your total 13, and at $100 a pop, your total for the spreading of today’s unkind energy is $1,300. Please pay the cashier on your way out.”

Indeed we ARE accountable. With so much anger and hate in the world, the energy we add does make a difference. Choose to be kind. And in the meantinme, let’s be happy that for now no one has figured out how to keep tabs.

<3 Louise Smith 

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