Sunday, 19 August 2012


It is a given you will shed tears during this journey through life. Let those tears drive you towards making the world a better place. Choose to let them serve a purpose. ♥ Louise Smith

Friday, 17 August 2012

me - kayaking in muskoka ontario, canada

HOLD THIS DATE AND TIME: OCTOBER 14th from 10am-1:30pm.


Debbie Allen and Louise Smith have teamed up to talk about how life experiences can affect who you are physically and emotionally and what you can do about it.  This will be an action packed day full of helpful information. Set that day aside on your calendar. You don’t want to miss this amazing talk.

Debbie Allen is a Homeopathic Physician and Registered Nutritionist.  Debbie has a thriving practice in Aurora specializing in homeopathic medicine and nutrition for weight changes, health issues or athletic performance. She teaches at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine, winner of the 2011 Readers Choice Awards for Homeopathic Physician and loves to do public speaking. Her passion is to educate people on how to change their lives to achieve optional health and happiness.  Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Debbie speak and get practical advice that you can apply to your life today.

For more information check out her website at

Gifted speaker Louise Smith, creator of The Lessons of Life and author of 'Death and the Lessons I Learned' and 'Common Sense and Other Bits of Wisdom we Tend to Forget or Ignore' is coming out of her public speaking retirement to share life antidotes and wisdom to living healthy and happily. You won't want to miss this rare chance to see her in action once again. Louise has over 30 years experience in marketing, sales and keynote speaking. In 2009 Louise published her first book after nearly drowning in a fresh water lake. She is funny, dynamic and informative all rolled into one.

For more information check out her website at

Stay tuned more information to follow

Saturday, 28 July 2012

When people suck the life out of you

This one made me giggle this morning. We've all known those kind of folks - the trick is to learn how to let them go BEFORE they complete their mission (of sucking the life out of you). Have a fabulous day! <3 Louise Smith

(image source:

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Sin Differently

Although the word 'sin' isn't something I use in everyday vocabulary, I love this image for the impact. Indeed - don't judge me because I sin differently than you. My lessons are my lessons and even if it stuns you that I don't seem to be learning them on your schedule or terms, they are still very much mine to learn. ♥ Louise Smith
(image source: no clue. I found it on pinterest)

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Miss This Little Girl

Don't let the world make you hard. There is no rule that says you must become a cynical old grouch as you age.
Dream. Play. Wish upon a star. Laugh. Be silly. Enjoy the simple pleasures. ♥ Louise Smith

Thursday, 12 July 2012

It is always better to keep the lips closed and thoughts quiet if what you intend to add just makes the mud soup more muddy. Take the high road and BE KIND. ♥ Louise Smith

Monday, 9 July 2012


Oh sure it's always good to acknowledge the lessons learned along the way, but over-analyzing past moments can suck the joy out of the present one. ♥ Louise Smith

Friday, 6 July 2012

Instant Connections

When you do learn this lesson, so much of your life journey will make sense. Enjoy the process. ♥ Louise Smith

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Change - The Unknown Enemy

The unknown enemy is worse than the enemy at hand. Or something like that. Fear of the unknown will hold people hostage until....until...until they finally make a decision and break free. And then the most common response is uttered, 'I wish I had done this sooner.' It's sooner. So do it. Change your life. ♥ Louise Smith

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Walk Alone

It is in those moments of 'alone' when the opportunity for a conversation between your human self and your spirit/soul take place. Stop. Find solitude. Be quiet. Listen. You'll be amazed at what you hear. ♥ Louise Smith

Time and Karma

Learning the lessons of equality is easy for some, and painfully difficult for others. Be careful of your ego's attempt to place higher importance on self or others. ♥ Louise Smith

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Monday, 2 July 2012

Walking Away

Learning the lessons of self-worth are some of the toughest we face on this journey of life. In the end, no one gets to stand on a higher podium - we are all equal. ♥ Louise Smith

Judge Me Not

Everyone has a story. Judging others for theirs holds you back in yours. ♥ Louise Smith

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Be Soft

Be soft. Life is too short for anything else. ♥ Louise Smith

Here is Your Assignment

Here is your assignment - whether you want it or not. Enjoy the journey for soon it will be done. ♥ Louise Smith

Saturday, 30 June 2012

The Past

The past is the past - no matter how much time you spend thinking about it, it's over and can't be changed. Choose to learn from it and grow as a better person. ♥ Louise Smith

Friday, 29 June 2012


We all face the lessons of self-worth on this journey. Some learn them quickly, others take many times through the learning cycle before mastering the lesson. Just know you are deserving of an abundance of love, kindness, honesty and peace. YOU REALLY ARE WORTH IT, no matter what anyone says. ♥ Louise Smith

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Never Waste Time

Seek those who support you, encourage you, and believe in you. Let the others go with gratitude for the lessons they helped you learn. ♥ Louise Smith